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Facebook Participation

10 Jan 2024 2:52 PM | Lin Pacific (Administrator)

You really want to do this! We have a great way to communicate closely with each other, showcase our art to other members, and have their kind input if we need to get past being ”stuck” as an artist, etc .... AND keep being updated as to what’s happening in our Society.

Our Facebook Group is an exciting new way to talk to one another.

Don’t be afraid of Facebook. Your kids are not, so let’s use these free facilities to mingle and showcase our art online.

If you don't have a Facebook account you can open one using your email account and a nickname (artist name), if you like. Facebook does not mind if you do not use your real name. All they care about is your email address and your password. You do not have to fill out anything in your profile if you want to be private about your personal details. This is a good thing. Do not post your personal, or private details online, on Facebook, on Instagram, etc. Be a Nickname you have chosen, and that can be your incognito online persona under that name.

There are 3 ways to participate in Facebook.

A Profile, A Page, and a Group. (You will be a personal Profile and that Profile will be able to participate with other Profiles, Pages or Groups on Facebook)

As a Profile (a person - you used your chosen email to create this)

As a Page (a professional showcase and mouthpiece of a company or business - this does not have to be a registered business, it can be your own (FREE) online art studio Facebook Presence, NVWS has a Facebook Page that it uses like its little newspaper, and for marketing)

As a Group (where like-minded people (Profiles) discuss things they have in common according to the theme of the Group - NVWS has a Group for their members to chat and showcase their artwork, techniques, etc.)

Please create your Facebook Profile Account if you do not have one,

LIKE our Page at this link, click LIKE, (not SIGN UP - it takes you to the website Sign Up Page on our website to become a member of our NVWS)

 Join our Group at this link, Click Join and Admin will process your request to join

Click to JOIN our Group

Once you LIKE our NVWS PAGE your timeline (News stream) will show you all the things we post on our NVWS Page automatically. (The SIGN UP Button takes you to our website to sign up, so no need to click on that)

Once you JOIN our NVWS GROUP your timeline (News stream) will show you all the things that are shared on our NVWS GROUP Page automatically.

Then you will easily be kept up to date with the fun things happening in our Society!

You can connect with only the friends you want, and having a Facebook account (Profile) allows you to participate in all the other wonderful groups and pages where others are mingling.

The News page has a different icon than the group so you can tell the difference immediately

Our Group Icon is  

Our Page icon is  


To keep your Facebook news stream clean and relevant, do not click on anything that you don't like. Facebook always feeds you more of what you click on and react with. So do not react with things that make you upset. Click on art, baking, kind stories, wonders in nature, crafts, your friends and family stuff - then you will see more of that.

Contact Us at

Mailing address: Nevada Watercolor Society, P.O. Box 27224, Las Vegas, NV 89126

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