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2024 Signature Show Award Winners

19 Jun 2024 4:37 PM | Lin Pacific (Administrator)

Awards of our 2024 Signature Show

at the Wetlands till July 28th.

Our 2024 Signature Show submissions are currently exhibiting from Jun 2nd to July 28th at the Wetland Park Visitor Center, Las Vegas. If you haven't seen it, don't miss it. There is wonderful award winning artwork by our talented members.

The Awards have been announced and prizes received on the 16th June. Congratulations to each of the deserving, talented winners!!

Thank you so much to Carl Purcell, who was the Juror for this Show. He said:

"It was an honor to jury your show. I was impressed with the overall quality of the show. It is always rewarding to see artists trying challenging new subject matter. When I jury a show I look for three major qualities:

  • Command in the handling of the medium. Watercolor is not easy.
  • Composition. The arrangement of the shapes and values in the chosen space or format is crucial. Subjects will not carry a poor design, but strong design can elevate a humble subject.
  • Personal involvement. Does the painting reflect the artist's passion or exhibit a personal vision of the subject?

It was difficult to choose the awards because there were a number of paintings that came up to the same level of excellence. If you did not receive an award, don't give up. Study good paintings, determine to lift the quality of your work each year. Our goal should always be to exceed what we are doing today."

Congratulations to all our winners who were:

Best In Show - Linda Smith "Gypsy Blue"

First Place - Doni Murphy "Calico Basin"

Second Place - Pam Lopez "Home Brewing"

Third Place - Cara Lee "Just a Moment"

Honorable Mentions:

Sharon Menary "Meredith Rose"

Juan de Dios Varela "A Kiss Under The Storm"

Paulette Baker "Steep Terrain"

There are more than 20 beautiful works submitted and hanging in the Wetland Visitor Center. Don't miss this if you are an art enthusiast.

Contact Us at

Mailing address: Nevada Watercolor Society, P.O. Box 27224, Las Vegas, NV 89126

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